Upcoming events.
Environmental Damage in the South China Sea: AMTI Seminar in Brunei
GAIA will be hosting the Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative (AMTI) for a seminar to release a new report on Environmental Damage in the South China Sea. Join us on 11 January 2024 at 12noon for this intriguing discussion! Email contact@gaiaalliance.co for more info.
Surviving the Pandemic Workshop Series
Join us for our interactive Surviving the Pandemic Workshop where we join experts in their respective fields such as: fitness, health, and leadership skills!
For pay-as-you-wish basis, not only will you be able to learn and ask questions from our panel of speakers and moderators, but maybe….sweat a little?
A portion of the proceeds will go towards battling COVID-19. You are welcome to donate any additional amount that will completely go towards funding GAIA’s ongoing charity drives